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Moodboard Applications for Interior Designers

Moodboard Application Information

Moodboards are an important part of most designer's existence. They provide a way to demonstrate concepts in a visual way to communicate with clients and other stakeholders on a project. This is true regardless of what type of Designer you are - even marketing agencies and start-ups will use them for concept development.

While experimenting myself with a number of these applications to see what works best for my own workflow, I realized that others may benefit from some of my findings.

The key elements I evaluated include ease of use, integrated assets available for use (i.e. stock photos, graphic elements, typography), options for sizing and formatting, and additional capabilities- for example, including image and product information along with the visual board.

These are the (intial) applications that I reviewed and for the most part are some of the more well known. I put together some more detail of these applications using Milanote which you can view here.

There are some others I have come across which I may provide demonstration of in a future post. One in particular that is rising in popularity with Interior Designer's is Mattoboard. So stay tuned for additional reviews.

Interested in seeing more details and screenshots of the programs? View the interactive boards I put together on Milanote.

Have a favorite app? Leave us a Comment!

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